
Location: India


34 Results

Image of Effectively Communicating with Parents document

Physician Handout: Effectively Communicating with Parents – Hindi

Handout that reviews common parent questions about HPV vaccination and provides sample provider responses, in Hindi.

Physician Handout: Effectively Communicating with Parents – Kannada

Handout that reviews common parent questions about HPV vaccination and provides sample provider responses, in Kannada.

Physician Handout: Effectively Communicating with Parents – Bengali

Handout that reviews common parent questions about HPV vaccination and provides sample provider responses, in Bengali.

Physician Handout: Effectively Communicating with Parents – Tamil

Handout that reviews common parent questions about HPV vaccination and provides sample provider responses, in Tamil.

Physician Handout: Effectively Communicating with Parents – Marathi

Handout that reviews common parent questions about HPV vaccination and provides sample provider responses, in Marathi.

Picture of Parent Flyer in Hindi

Parent Handout: Hindi Don’t Wait to Vaccinate

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Hindi.

Parent Handout: Bengali Don’t Wait to Vaccinate

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Bengali.

Parent Handout: Kannada Don’t Wait to Vaccinate

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Kannada.

Parent Handout: Marathi Don’t Wait to Vaccinate

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Marathi.

Parent Handout: Tamil Don’t Wait to Vaccinate

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Tamil.

ASHA education booklet screenshot

Cervical Cancer Prevention Booklet for ASHAs

This booklet may be used by community organizations and government agencies in India to educate community health workers about basic facts about cervical cancer and its prevention and equip them with reference cards to use when mobilizing the community to seek cervical cancer screening.

Hindi Protecting Our Daughters Card

Protecting Our Daughters – Hindi

A detailed booklet to educate parents in India on the importance of HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. Translated into Hindi.

Cover image of Reduce Your Risk in English

Help Reduce Your Cancer Risk – English

Booklet on steps to take to reduce cancer risk, including HPV vaccination & cervical screening. For the general public in India, in English.

Cover image of Reduce Your Risk in Hindi

Help Reduce Your Cancer Risk – Hindi

Booklet on steps to take to reduce cancer risk, including HPV vaccination & cervical screening. For the general public in India, translated into Hindi.

Snapshot of poster

Marathi Parent Education Poster

Posters to place in healthcare facilities to prompt physicians and parents to discuss HPV vaccination. Can also be used in other prominent locations. Translated into Marathi.

Snapshot of poster

Kannada Parent Education Poster

Posters to place in healthcare facilities to prompt physicians and parents to discuss HPV vaccination. Can also be used in other prominent locations. Translated into Kannada.

Bengali Parent Education Poster

Posters to place in healthcare facilities to prompt physicians and parents to discuss HPV vaccination. Can also be used in other prominent locations. Translated into Bengali.

Snapshot of poster

Tamil Parent Education Poster

Posters to place in healthcare facilities to prompt physicians and parents to discuss HPV vaccination. Can also be used in other prominent locations. Translated into Tamil.

Hindi Parent Education Poster

Posters to place in healthcare facilities to prompt physicians and parents to discuss HPV vaccination. Can also be used in other prominent locations. Translated into Hindi.

India HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Social Media Toolkit

Toolkit of social images and posts to use with the general public to increase awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening in India.

Screenshot of the HPV Vaccination Physician Champion video on a dark teal background.

Social Sharable Video: Physician Champion – India

Social sharable video featuring Soumya Swaminathan, MD, pediatrician and former chief scientist at the World Health Organization, calling on Indian physicians to support cervical cancer elimination by giving the HPV vaccine to girls aged 9 to 14 years

Screenshot of the sample op-ed in support of HPV vaccination overlaid on a dark teal background.

Sample Op-Ed: Support of HPV Vaccination – India

Customisable opinion editorial that physician advocates can tailor for local context and send to news outlets or blogs for publication

Screenshot of the Sample Letter To Policymakers overlaid on a dark teal background.

Sample Letter To Policymakers – India

Customisable letter template from physicians to policymakers and local government officials to advocate for HPV vaccination in the context of the World Health Organization’s global cervical cancer elimination strategy

Screenshot of the Sample Letter To Medical Society Members in Support of HPV Vaccination overlaid on a dark teal background.

Sample Letter: To Medical Society Members – India

Customisable letter template from medical society to members to highlight the burden of cervical cancer and the importance of HPV vaccination to help prevent cervical cancer

Screenshot of the Sample Letter To Engaging HPV Vaccine Physician Champions overlaid on a dark teal background.

Sample Letter: Engaging Physician Champions – India

Customisable letter template from medical society to recruit members to be HPV vaccination physician champions