Explore the many evidence-based resources to support your efforts to increase HPV vaccination uptake. As this library is growing, we invite you to check back often for new resources.
Most of these tools were developed for use in India and Kenya. Visit Implementing Action Guides and Resources to learn about adapting these for use in other communities.
56 Results

You Can Stop Cancer of the Cervix – Hindi
Information for Indian women on cervical cancer, screening, and prevention – in Hindi

You Can Stop Cancer of the Cervix – English
Information for Indian women on cervical cancer, screening, and prevention.

Physician Handout: Effectively Communicating with Parents – Hindi
Handout that reviews common parent questions about HPV vaccination and provides sample provider responses, in Hindi.

Physician Handout: Effectively Communicating with Parents – Kannada
Handout that reviews common parent questions about HPV vaccination and provides sample provider responses, in Kannada.

Physician Handout: Effectively Communicating with Parents – Bengali
Handout that reviews common parent questions about HPV vaccination and provides sample provider responses, in Bengali.

Physician Handout: Effectively Communicating with Parents – Tamil
Handout that reviews common parent questions about HPV vaccination and provides sample provider responses, in Tamil.

Physician Handout: Effectively Communicating with Parents – Marathi
Handout that reviews common parent questions about HPV vaccination and provides sample provider responses, in Marathi.

Parent Handout: Hindi Don’t Wait to Vaccinate
Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Hindi.

Parent Handout: Bengali Don’t Wait to Vaccinate
Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Bengali.

Parent Handout: Kannada Don’t Wait to Vaccinate
Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Kannada.

Parent Handout: Marathi Don’t Wait to Vaccinate
Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Marathi.

Parent Handout: Tamil Don’t Wait to Vaccinate
Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Tamil.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Booklet for ASHAs
This booklet may be used by community organizations and government agencies in India to educate community health workers about basic facts about cervical cancer and its prevention and equip them with reference cards to use when mobilizing the community to seek cervical cancer screening.

Protecting Our Daughters – Hindi
A detailed booklet to educate parents in India on the importance of HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. Translated into Hindi.

Guía de recomendaciones para promover la vacunación contra el VPH
Esta guía está dirigida a los diferentes agentes del sistema de salud interesados en tomar medidas para prevenir el cáncer de cuello uterino o cervical y otras condiciones de salud en Colombia, mediante la vacunación contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) de toda la población sujeto de la misma.

Plantilla de calendario de comunicaciones – Colombia
Plantilla de calendario de comunicaciones para la promoción de la vacunación contra el VPH en Colombia. Incluye mensajes impactantes para elegir.

Plantilla de estudio de caso – Colombia
La plantilla de estudio de caso te ayudará a mostrar el impacto de tu proyecto.

Plantilla de plan de acción – Colombia
Plantilla de plan de acción para promover la vacunación contra el VPH.

Case Study Template – Colombia
This case study template can be used to help demonstrate the impact a parent-communication project.

Communications Calendar and Message Development Template – Colombia
The communications calendar template is designed to serve as a tool to select and refine messages and plan distribution. Includes sample messages tested in Colombia.

Action Plan Template for Payers in Colombia
This action plan template is designed to serve as a place to keep track of project planning and to track progress for the team.

Recommendations to Promote HPV Vaccination: Evidence-Based Messages to Motivate Parents to Vaccinate
A Practical Guide for Health Insurance Companies and Health Authorities in Colombia to reach parents and increase HPV vaccination rates.

Help Reduce Your Cancer Risk – English
Booklet on steps to take to reduce cancer risk, including HPV vaccination & cervical screening. For the general public in India, in English.

Help Reduce Your Cancer Risk – Hindi
Booklet on steps to take to reduce cancer risk, including HPV vaccination & cervical screening. For the general public in India, translated into Hindi.

Marathi Parent Education Poster
Posters to place in healthcare facilities to prompt physicians and parents to discuss HPV vaccination. Can also be used in other prominent locations. Translated into Marathi.