Lead the way
for the first
generation of women free from cervical cancer
Tools for health care professionals to increase HPV vaccination uptake in communities and stop cancer before it starts.

Prevent Global HPV Cancers‘ tools and resources are designed with and for ministries of health, medical societies, and civil society organisations to help organisations work with health professionals to increase HPV vaccinations among adolescent girls in lower-resourced communities.
Health care professionals – from physicians to community health workers – are the most trusted source of health information for parents, guardians, and the community. A strong recommendation from a health care professional can increase the likelihood of parents protecting their girls from HPV cancers including cervical cancer with the HPV vaccine.
Why care? Why now?
- Every 2 minutes, a woman is dying of cervical cancer in our world today – a cancer we can eliminate!
- 9 out of 10 women dying from cervical cancer live in lower-resourced countries and communities.
- On-time HPV vaccination can stop HPV infections that can cause cervical cancer and 4 other types of cancers in women.
- HPV vaccination is a lifesaving, cost-effective strategy for higher- and lower-resourced countries alike.
Learn About Cervical Cancer and
HPV Vaccination
Cervical cancer is an urgent public health problem that can be solved. The deaths and suffering of hundreds of thousands of women worldwide can be prevented. Nearly all cervical cancers are caused by persistent infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) and most can be prevented by HPV vaccination. Given on-time to girls aged 9 –14 years, HPV vaccination can help create generations of women free from cervical cancer.
Take Action
We have the science and tools to usher in the first generation of women free from cervical cancer. Medical societies, ministries of health, and civil society organisations can help increase HPV vaccine uptake and prevent women from cervical cancer in every community worldwide.
Learn how your organisation or agency can prioritise HPV vaccination and act today, so together we can stop cervical cancer before it starts.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Through HPV Vaccination: An Action Guide for Medical Societies in India offers action steps and evidence-based resources to help medical societies prioritise HPV vaccination among physicians and increase physician confidence in recommending the HPV vaccine.

Improving Uptake of HPV Vaccine in Kenya: An Action Guide for Civil Societies offers steps civil society organisations (CSOs) can take in supporting health facilities and community health workers in Kenya to increase HPV vaccination among adolescent girls. The guide includes evidence-based resources for sharing facts about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination.
Our Research
Prevent Global HPV Cancers is built on behaviour change communications research with health care professionals and parents in India, Kenya, and Colombia. This research can help inform your HPV vaccination education and communication efforts.
Explore the many evidence-based resources available to support your organisation’s or agency’s efforts to increase demand for, and uptake of, HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. Tools include patient posters, frequently asked question documents, dosing guidance, sample awareness letters, champion engagement letters, and more.