
Language: English


33 Results

Cover image of You Can Stop Cervical Cancer in English

You Can Stop Cancer of the Cervix – English

Information for Indian women on cervical cancer, screening, and prevention.

Image of Case Study template

Case Study Template – Colombia

This case study template can be used to help demonstrate the impact a parent-communication project.

Image of Communications Calendar template

Communications Calendar and Message Development Template – Colombia

The communications calendar template is designed to serve as a tool to select and refine messages and plan distribution. Includes sample messages tested in Colombia.

Image of Action Plan template

Action Plan Template for Payers in Colombia

This action plan template is designed to serve as a place to keep track of project planning and to track progress for the team.

Image of Recommendations to Promote HPV Vaccination guide

Recommendations to Promote HPV Vaccination: Evidence-Based Messages to Motivate Parents to Vaccinate

A Practical Guide for Health Insurance Companies and Health Authorities in Colombia to reach parents and increase HPV vaccination rates.

Cover image of Reduce Your Risk in English

Help Reduce Your Cancer Risk – English

Booklet on steps to take to reduce cancer risk, including HPV vaccination & cervical screening. For the general public in India, in English.

Global HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Social Media Toolkit

Toolkit of social images and posts to use with the general public to increase awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening. Facts and images used fit a global audience, not one specific audience.

India HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Social Media Toolkit

Toolkit of social images and posts to use with the general public to increase awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening in India.

Thumbnail of social media toolkit

Kenya HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Social Media Toolkit

Toolkit of social images and posts to use with the general public to increase awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening in Kenya.

Screenshot of the HPV vaccination wearable design overlaid on a dark teal background.

HPV Vaccination Educator Reflector Jacket – Kenya

Reflector jacket graphic designs that can be worn by community health volunteers to create awareness about HPV vaccination

Screenshot of the HPV vaccination for cervical cancer prevention for healthcare workers presentation overlaid on a dark teal background.

Presentation: HPV Vaccination Training for Health Workers – Kenya

Overview of the burden of cervical cancer, description of HPV infection and HPV vaccination in Kenya for health workers

Screenshot of the Kenya HPV poster overlaid on a dark teal background.

HPV Vaccination Poster – Kenya

Poster to place in health facilities to prompt health workers and parents to discuss HPV vaccination

Screenshot of the Kenya Don't Wait to Vaccinate handout overlaid on a dark teal background.

Parent Handout: Don’t Wait to Vaccinate – Kenya

Handout for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination

Screenshot of the HPV vaccination wearable design overlaid on a dark teal background.

HPV Vaccination Educator Stickers / Badges – Kenya

Printable stickers and graphic designs that can be worn by community health volunteers to create awareness about HPV vaccination.

Screenshot of the Kenya HPV vaccine key messages presentation overlaid on a dark teal background.

HPV Vaccination Job Aid for CHVs – Kenya

Job aid to use with parents. Contains key facts and messages about HPV, cervical cancer and HPV vaccination.

Screenshot of the Kenya factsheet for health care workers overlaid on a dark teal background.

Factsheet for Health Workers: Frequently Asked Questions – Kenya

Handout for health workers with common questions and answers about the HPV vaccine

Screenshot of the Kenya action plan template overlaid on a dark teal background.

Action Checklist for Civil Societies – Kenya

An editable template that helps civil society organisations supporting health facilities in Kenya plan specific activities in alignment with the Action Guide for Civil Society Organisations

Screenshot of the Increasing Uptake of HPV Vaccine in Kenya Action Guide overlaid on a dark teal background.

Increasing Uptake of HPV Vaccine in Kenya: An Action Guide for Civil Society Organisations

A guide for civil society organisations to support counties and health facilities to increase the uptake of HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer in Kenya. The guide includes resources to support implementation.

Sample Certificate of Recognition – Global

Modifiable certificate to recognise HPV vaccination champions and/or health care workers’ efforts or completion of training

Screenshot of the HPV Vaccination Physician Champion video on a dark teal background.

Social Sharable Video: Physician Champion – India

Social sharable video featuring Soumya Swaminathan, MD, pediatrician and former chief scientist at the World Health Organization, calling on Indian physicians to support cervical cancer elimination by giving the HPV vaccine to girls aged 9 to 14 years

Screenshot of the sample op-ed in support of HPV vaccination overlaid on a dark teal background.

Sample Op-Ed: Support of HPV Vaccination – India

Customisable opinion editorial that physician advocates can tailor for local context and send to news outlets or blogs for publication

Screenshot of the Sample Letter To Policymakers overlaid on a dark teal background.

Sample Letter To Policymakers – India

Customisable letter template from physicians to policymakers and local government officials to advocate for HPV vaccination in the context of the World Health Organization’s global cervical cancer elimination strategy

Screenshot of the Sample Letter To Medical Society Members in Support of HPV Vaccination overlaid on a dark teal background.

Sample Letter: To Medical Society Members – India

Customisable letter template from medical society to members to highlight the burden of cervical cancer and the importance of HPV vaccination to help prevent cervical cancer

Screenshot of the Sample Letter To Engaging HPV Vaccine Physician Champions overlaid on a dark teal background.

Sample Letter: Engaging Physician Champions – India

Customisable letter template from medical society to recruit members to be HPV vaccination physician champions

Screenshot of the in-clinic poster for India overlaid on a dark teal background.

In-Clinic Poster – India

Posters to place in healthcare facilities to prompt physicians and parents to discuss HPV vaccination