
Audience: Parents


15 Results

Picture of Parent Flyer in Hindi

Parent Handout: Hindi Don’t Wait to Vaccinate

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Hindi.

Parent Handout: Bengali Don’t Wait to Vaccinate

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Bengali.

Parent Handout: Kannada Don’t Wait to Vaccinate

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Kannada.

Parent Handout: Marathi Don’t Wait to Vaccinate

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Marathi.

Parent Handout: Tamil Don’t Wait to Vaccinate

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination. Translated into Tamil.

Hindi Protecting Our Daughters Card

Protecting Our Daughters – Hindi

A detailed booklet to educate parents in India on the importance of HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. Translated into Hindi.

Cover image of Reduce Your Risk in English

Help Reduce Your Cancer Risk – English

Booklet on steps to take to reduce cancer risk, including HPV vaccination & cervical screening. For the general public in India, in English.

Cover image of Reduce Your Risk in Hindi

Help Reduce Your Cancer Risk – Hindi

Booklet on steps to take to reduce cancer risk, including HPV vaccination & cervical screening. For the general public in India, translated into Hindi.

Global HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Social Media Toolkit

Toolkit of social images and posts to use with the general public to increase awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening. Facts and images used fit a global audience, not one specific audience.

India HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Social Media Toolkit

Toolkit of social images and posts to use with the general public to increase awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening in India.

Thumbnail of social media toolkit

Kenya HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Social Media Toolkit

Toolkit of social images and posts to use with the general public to increase awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening in Kenya.

Screenshot of the Kenya HPV poster overlaid on a dark teal background.

HPV Vaccination Poster – Kenya

Poster to place in health facilities to prompt health workers and parents to discuss HPV vaccination

Screenshot of the Kenya Don't Wait to Vaccinate handout overlaid on a dark teal background.

Parent Handout: Don’t Wait to Vaccinate – Kenya

Handout for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination

Screenshot of the in-clinic poster for India overlaid on a dark teal background.

In-Clinic Poster – India

Posters to place in healthcare facilities to prompt physicians and parents to discuss HPV vaccination

Screenshot of the Don't Wait to Vaccinate handout for parents in India overlaid on a dark teal background.

Parent Handout: Don’t Wait to Vaccinate – India

Infographic for parents emphasising on-time HPV vaccination