
Topic: Public Awareness


5 Results

Cover image of You Can Stop Cervical Cancer in Hindi

You Can Stop Cancer of the Cervix – Hindi

Information for Indian women on cervical cancer, screening, and prevention – in Hindi

Cover image of You Can Stop Cervical Cancer in English

You Can Stop Cancer of the Cervix – English

Information for Indian women on cervical cancer, screening, and prevention.

Global HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Social Media Toolkit

Toolkit of social images and posts to use with the general public to increase awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening. Facts and images used fit a global audience, not one specific audience.

India HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Social Media Toolkit

Toolkit of social images and posts to use with the general public to increase awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening in India.

Thumbnail of social media toolkit

Kenya HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Social Media Toolkit

Toolkit of social images and posts to use with the general public to increase awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening in Kenya.